Crazy Beautiful Life

Published February 10, 2012 by aquavanilla

My tummy is so full of cookies, I can’t even believe it… I lost count after 14 cookies… Ugurgh… So I thought I’d blog while my tummy is settling. (~ 3~)

Superbowl!!! Who all watched it?? Who all drank too many beers to pay attention? (LOL)

I went to a friend’s house for the SB, she was having a small party with food and drinks and big TV (* w*)

I ate all the pizza pockets, watched the halftime show in horror (What was Madonna doing?? Drunken yogic squats?! HAHAHA) while everyone else was too drunk to even pay attention to the SB anymore. There was a point where we all played with fake mustaches and then put them elsewhere on our faces (@_@) I went home early though since I had to open the store (boo… ; 3; ) I ended up not sleeping a wink then crashing as soon as I got home haha.

What did you all do for the Superbowl? In the end I had a great time, even though it was a small party it was with friends, food, and fun~ The three Fs that I love ❤

On another note, this is what I wore! 😀

Excuse my lack of overdone make-up, and stupid pose (x ~x);

Ribbon poncho shirt tucked into my black pencil skirt with graphic Ribbon tights and tie-up pattern design.

Poncho from Target

Pencil skirt from MNG Suits

Tights from Claire’s

Accessories handmade (Boyfriend made/Puerto Rican locals made)

This picture, so you can see the ribbons on the back of the tights (> w<)

I guess you also noticed I have gotten a new haircut… I can’t stand long hair on myself, and it was getting too long so I shaved it off. One side anyway… I’m keeping the other side long for my mom. 😛 Although I could care less. (._ .);

Also, my mom bought me a new purse! As a house warming gift, (since I’m moving out and stuff..) It’s more of an “I’m going to miss you so much my little baby girl” present… But okay, haha! 

ELLE purse~ It has a nice ribbon design, which I’m practically obsessed with anything that has ribbons, so… (>_>);;

 Then I also got myself some fragrance. It smelled really nice, I’m really surprised and impressed!

Kim Kardashian fragrance Limited Edition miniature bottle

Then I also got myself a disc drive for my MacBook Air ❤ and some Sephora goodies.

It was on sale, and limited Edition, so why not? It has really cute colours in the palette!
From left to right, Venus a beautiful Copper with gold metallic hints, Leather a nice deep cocoa matte brown, Specimen a nice soft beige, Rehab a satin sand, and my favorite parts of the palette… Peggy a wondrous aqua teal with slight hints of gold! Bukowski a gorgeous deep ocean blue, Bellbottom a lovely Periwinkle colour with a little bit of a hint of aqua, and lastly Morphine (cream) is a shimmery almost metallic cool toned white with hints of aqua

 I super love this palette!!! It has cool tones, warm tones, and a highlighter!! If I had to pick only one palette to travel with, this would be it. It’s so wonderful and pigmented and fun! My favourite colours are in there, along with some pretty browns, golds, and the copper was a surprise! I’ve never seen such a pretty copper. Love it!!

Urban Decay 24/7 liner in Perverse. It’s the new one they released that’s the BLACKEST of the black.

If you compare it to their other black Zero, it’s waaaay more black. Like if you use copic markers, it’s like using 100-Black against 110-Special Black. It’s apparently pumped with more ink and pigments than Zero so it makes it an ever better black to make it really POP. And boy does it! This is actually my first UD product, so I’m really excited about it (> w<)

It lives up to it’s eyeliner claims and such, and since there’s plenty of reviews I won’t waste my time here with telling you how cool it is haha!

Last but not least, I got this! I took my little sister into Sephora, (big sisters are supposed to teach their younger about make-up! That’s how it works. :] )

And looked around at all the make-up and fragrance and such. Then we’re looking at the Smashbox section, and she goes “Ewwww what IS that?!” Pointing to the olivey green face primer they have. I explain that it’s good for “perfecting” blemishes and redness etc and I take the sample to show her. A Sephora associate rushes over and goes “WAAAAIT–Hold your horses!! I have to show you this magical stuff!!” As fast as she ran over to us, she rushed away as well. Me and my sister just looked at each-other. We were like “Uhh… What??” 

She runs right back over, and goes “Okay, okay you girlies!! Here I have this fresh clay concealer that is MAGIC in a TUBE.” She goes straight to applying the stuff on my sister’s face. My sister is 14, so she’s dealing with her hormones and puberty & all that not-so-fun stuff. So she does have acne, and because she’s very fair skin-toned, she also has redness. Literally in three seconds it was gone. Well, of course, it was concealed. But we get to talking about the product more, and when I look back at my sister’s face, IT WAS SO SMOOTH and looked so flawless (o _o) I was floored. It looked really good, like healthy skin should! It has Umbrian Clay components that are patented so no one else has this stuff in their products. The associate who showed us this product was using it herself, because she has Rosacea and Eczema, but I couldn’t tell. But on her arms you could which she let us see.

-edit- My sister’s skin looks so improved and it’s day 3! 😮

Then she told us her whole life story, and we apparently helped her decide to break up with her boyfriend (that sucks) then I was ushered to put in an application for working there. So yeah. That was a three hour Sephora adventure. (~_~)

But I got a lot of good products, some I never intended to buy, and some I never even intended to walk by! It’s always good to see it in a different light, if you get what I’m saying. 🙂

I’ll end my post here for now! I’m going to finish Brave Story (I’m on page 717, so close to the end…!! Yet not really.) hopefully before the day ends! Since it’s my last day off for a couple of weeks. Hopefully I can finish that, paint a little, and get some drawing in! Maybe. Well you all have a triumphant Friday!! Whoo!


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